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munga1957 Offline


Beiträge: 693

23.01.2016 21:19
Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

here you can see the first pictures about an original and in very good conditions Munga from Italy.
The owner is my new friend Giovanni from Milano in Italy.

Since yesterday Giovanni is a new member in our forum.

Welcome Giovanni.

Best regards


Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

24.01.2016 09:15
#2 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Giovanni,
welcome to the forum and in our Munga-circle.
The car looks very nice, it seems to be a former "Bundeswehr" army car. The windshield frame is an early epoch, the engine is the 1000 machine.

What year is the car?
What is the VIN?
You will found the number on the metal plate between the batteries.
I think the car is first registered in Italy prior to 1978, because I see no admission permission from "Il Fuoristrada Autofficina Snc"!?

A great connoisseur of Munga is my friend Roberto in Toscana near Firenze.

I think he can help with spare parts in Italy.
Have a pleasant journey with the DKW Munga.


MungaSeba Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.614

24.01.2016 10:53
#3 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Giovanni,

welcome to the forum.
Youre Munga seems to be in a realy great condition!
Very nice car!


giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

24.01.2016 11:53
#4 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Thanks to Peter-Hans for the presentation and thank you for your welcome to the forum.

I confirm that the engine is a 1000.
On some parts I found stamped 1964.
The number on the metal plate between the battery is: Nato ident Nr. 12-124-8279
There are other numbers engraved on the bodywork at the side of the engine, but are covered by at least three layers of paint: its original RAL 6014, blue and another olive green lighter ral 6014.
The first registration in Italy is 1974.

Roberto was the first in which I asked about Munga.
In Milan, it seems to me to be the only owner Munga, on the other, self admired by many and photographed by even the Japanese visiting the city.

My dream is to be able to restore such as yours.
A little at a time and with your help and experience I am sure we will do it.

Giovanni from Italy

Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

24.01.2016 12:24
#5 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hallo Giovanni,

The silver plate with the NATO supply number only means that the Munga was built in the NATO version with 24 Volt..etc....
Directly below is the nameplate with the Year of construction, the vehicle manufacturer and the chassis number.
This should by 3050 ?? or probably with 3038 0? begin. This number would be interested.

Muster Fabrikschild M 4.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

I think on the chassis, bumber cross rear, right side,

the number also to be taken, starting with "F"

Karle Offline


Beiträge: 12.726

24.01.2016 18:38
#6 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello and welcome.

You have a nice Munga.

Look at your Avatar.
I hope you like it.

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

24.01.2016 20:05
#7 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hallo Mr Munga,
my Munga have not that plate.

I posted ( perhaps ) photographs of the numbers engraved on the body , because , unfortunately, there is the label that I have indicated.

Are two series of numbers. One near the headlights right and the other towards the middle of the engine compartment.

If you can zoom in the first issue could be 31669 or 31869 , while the latter might be 3038 ? 00 54 ? 5292002 .

Tomorrow I'll try other numbers where You've indicated .

Best regard

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

24.01.2016 20:10
#8 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Karle,
thanks to the warm welcome in our forum.

Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

25.01.2016 08:32
#9 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

no number at the body?

Rahmen-FIN.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

Italien6.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

29.01.2016 19:30
#10 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Mr. Munga,
I checked at the point indicated but there are no numbers.

In 1974, during the first registration in Italy, on the rear spar was punched n. 3038003230, also reported on the registration document.

On the right side edge of the bonnet they are punched two numbers, the first 31889 and second 3038? 00? 5465292002.

On the engine left side, engraved with nr. 8862006519, while in relief 3 10 59.

I hope I can make you understand the origins of Munga.

Best regards

Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

30.01.2016 17:47
#11 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hi Giovanni,
well, its a little bit difficult...

The engine was installed in the following vehicle:
DKW Munga, Type 4,
Poduction 17.12.1959 Car chassis No. 3038 00 5268.

Obviously, it has been rebuilt in your vehicle, perhaps even at the German Army / Bundeswehr, maybe later ...

It is often difficult to decipher the data on the motor side plate.

It was even more problematic, to make the 50 or 60 year old data read and understand.....
Ok, my crystal ball says...

The chassis is 3038 023 711
From big distance I read on the motor side panel.......

3038 00 31689 546 529 002 or 546 529 - 002, als it`s possible, another sequence...

This car was produced 11.06.1965 for German Army.

Duplizität der Ereignisse, der 2. Funkwagen, passend zu deinem Neuzugang!

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

30.01.2016 20:19
#12 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Mister Munga,
thanks for the information you obtained from your crystal ball.
Little by little, I'd like to bring it back as 50 or 60 years ago.

32 years ago I had another Munga, then I got married and when our son was born we needed a car a little more comfortable.
It was perfect !!!!

Last year my wife bought me this "new" Munga in memory of the first.

As I mentioned in Hans-Peter the previous owners have cannibalized, some with holes in the body and replacing parts other than genuine.

In Milan, where I live, I have not found it Munga other mechanical workshops / bodywork who know the machine, but only some talkative.
Near Brescia's Michael hobby repairs Munga and near Florence's Roberto knows that very well and in Peschiere del Garda is Alberto who has two.
With their help and your knowledge will become as beautiful as ever.

Currently, I am seeking a voltmeter panel VDO diameter 52 mm (as the water temperature gauge and fuel gauge idicatore) to close a hole in the dashboard.
I have seen this type of installation in some old photographs.

Best regards



Beiträge: 1.113

31.01.2016 02:10
#13 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Mister Munga im Beitrag #11

Duplizität der Ereignisse, der 2. Funkwagen, passend zu deinem Neuzugang!

Doch nicht Wirklich das zweite Versuchsmuster ????

Der den sie immer aus dem Flieger geschmissen haben ???

Deutscher durch Geburt, Pfälzer durch die Gnade Gottes
Typreferent für Ford Capri I beim Ford Club Service

Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

31.01.2016 08:31
#14 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Original was not a voltmeter in the dashboard !!!!

In Italy still drive a few hundred DKW Munga! Here are some places that I know:
Bresso, Brescia, Bribnano, Firenze, Sandrio, Trieste, Roma, Zucche di Volvera.....

You know

I think, there is every year a meeting.

Ja, offensichtlich die Karosse des 2. Wagens der seinerzeit zur Erprobungsstelle Funk nach Oberpfaffenhofen überführt wurde. Die Munga-Welt ist klein...

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

09.02.2016 09:53
#15 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Good morning Mister Munga,
you're right, but a previous owner has practiced a rectangular hole in the dashboard.
I asked a bodybuilder, but I was not convinced.
I saw some pictures on the internet where there is a tool in the same position.
I contacted the mungaclub through the site, but does not do more activities.
However, every year some fans (not many) meet in Tremosine, near Brescia, for a meeting, where fans also come from Germany.
For one day, munga they retrace the old mountain paths the last world war.
I am currently trying to remedy the troubles of the previous owners, to get to the next mungameeting would not look too much.
Of course, it seems that participants from Germany have the perfect veicles.
Best regards

Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

09.02.2016 12:52
#16 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Yes, I know, that everey year is a meeting in the near of the Garda Lake.

On the Internet you can see some pictures of the meeting in recent years ...
Several times I have considered a visit but it is very far!

Is there a date for 2016 ??

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

16.02.2016 14:58
#17 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Mister Munga,
I am into contact with Alberto who lives in Peschiera del Garda, one of the organizers of the meeting.
As soon as I know something I'll let you know via forum.

Furthermore, as suggested by Fitzel, I reluctantly scratched the paint on the chassis numbers and I found this number:

Please, you know give me some indication?

Best regards

Mister Munga Offline

** General

Beiträge: 4.538

16.02.2016 18:05
#18 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

3038 00 31689 546 529-002

see my answer from 30. 01. 2016

giovanni Offline


Beiträge: 10

17.02.2016 12:36
#19 RE: Munga Italy Zitat · Antworten

Hello Mister Munga
thanks for the clarification that I had missed.
With Your help, I'd find the correct data and relocate a label with the original machine data.

The four holes that I see when I open the bonnet are an insult to the history of the vehicle..

As I was saying, at the points you have mentioned I have not found engraved numbers or plates or holes removed nameplates.

Best regards

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